Why I’m sending Mr Cameron 34p.

The Other Mrs Beaton

Dear Mr Cameron,

I’m a little confused. If you follow my blog (and let’s face it, why wouldn’t you on your tea break) you would know that this often happens, usually following the announcement of some education policy or another. Then the confusion gets coupled with a bit of research, some healthy debate and then an opinion.

I thought that was what I was meant to do this time, with the whole ‘EU in-or-out’ thing. I’ve been doing my homework as an independently minded, resourceful citizen, and reading up on the EU from a variety of sources. I’ve looked at academic research on various aspects of the EU and Britain’s relationship with and in it. I’ve read opinions from experts on economics, politics, human rights and business. I’ve had some hearty discussions well past my bed-time with my husband on the subject, and with a wider audience (even the mummies…

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